I was honoured to take part in BACKSP!N, a charitable art exhibition which uses the power of ping-pong to raise funds for the Drumchapel Table Tennis Club (DTTC).

Client / BACKSP!N

The project showcased over 60 table tennis paddles designed by artists, designers and illustrators from across the UK, as well as one dedicated table design for the show. 

They asked every designer to base their paddle on one of the three words; ‘Movement, Community or Character’. I debated between a few ideas, and then one night I mentioned the project to my dad who worked at Ballantine Castings. I had joked about making a cast iron paddle…not realising he would take it seriously. 

This ended up becoming a joint project with my Dad and his work fulfilling the word ‘Community’. I also got to help with the set up of the exhibition which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Fancy a blether?


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Rhianne Miller at Wilsons